
welcome to my travels + thoughts

to chicago, to find my way

to chicago, to find my way

There’s a song I can’t stop listening to that starts:

You see, well I remember how you said
That sometimes it gets just a little hard being home
There’s sand stuck in my bed and memories in my head,
Love, I’ve been trying to let this whole thing go.

It’s that one line especially that snags my heart, because sometimes it is a little hard being home. So I’m grateful for this little adventure to a lovely city I’d never visited before, despite being just a short flight away. I’m lucky for falling into freelancing, so I have the flexibility for a spontaneous trip of St. Paddy’s celebrations.

I’m grateful for one of my oldest friends for making me feel so at home in her home. She said to me as we strolled her neighborhood: “You have to think of your life in chapters.” I’ve been reflecting on that all week, navigating the possibilities of the future while aching for the past. I’m grateful for reuniting with a travel friend, who took me to a secret spot of the Chicago skyline, and reminded me that I’m not alone in figuring out how to be home.

I know I’ll find my way forward - but there’s sand stuck in my bed and memories in my head, and I can’t quite let it all go.

another life in san francisco

another life in san francisco

the weirdness of being home

the weirdness of being home