
welcome to my travels + thoughts

the complexity of croatia

the complexity of croatia

I think many people associate Croatia with Yacht Week or beach holidays - but I learned that it’s so much more. It’s a country that emerged from war less than 30 years ago. One guide talked about childhood memories of his dad leaving, coming back, then leaving again for war. There’s a conflicted relationship with the necessity of tourism (totaling 20% of its GDP, the most of the EU). And yet, one guide told me her dream was to be a schoolteacher, but the job market only wanted tour guides. There was the girl working at my hostel who was touched by my interest in learning hello (bok), thank you (hvala) and cheers (živjeli), which made me wonder how few made the effort. And of course, there are the unforgettable scenes - of translucent water, cobblestoned cities, and the Museum of Broken Relationships, which twisted my heart as I perused relics of lost love.

I’m grateful for the country that gave me my solo adventure before a challenging year - a gorgeous, nuanced place to reflect, relax, and mark a new era of exploration.

let me reintroduce myself

let me reintroduce myself

my oxford origin story

my oxford origin story