
welcome to my travels + thoughts

another trip around the sun

another trip around the sun

2018. I fell in love, again and again.

With my solitude. With old and new friends. With old and new places - from the city I proudly call home to the unknown across the world that became my home. With 3am wakeups to watch the sun peek up from a volcano and 9pm lake-side beers as the sun dropped behind the mountains. I fell deeply for special people in stunning places. Again and again. I savored the moments we shared, and then always had to say goodbye. Again and again. I learned to let go. I made myself vulnerable and got hurt, and I made myself vulnerable and forged real, raw connections. I cried on the plane home from a heart too full to contain itself after a year of living so deeply and falling so fast.

2019. Here we go again, on another trip around the sun.

I'll bring my vulnerability. The important questions. Empathy. Enduring curiosity. Spontaneity. And the never-fulfilled desire for adventure.

the weirdness of being home

the weirdness of being home

home just in time for christmas

home just in time for christmas